I just shrugged and told him that my bestie's in KL....far far away from me....
Oh? So you guys must be on the phone most of the time?
Oh....MSN, yahoo?
Nope....once in a while, yea...but rarely...
Hmmm....then I bet SMS?
Nope too....
Hmmm....you visit her when you're back in KL only?
Not really...been a long time since I saw her.....
Wow....how long?
I can't remember.....
Okay.....how often do you go back to KL?
Not often....
Ah-ha....then it's your fault!
Not really....bestie's busy with her job...I've called/texted her and she's busy...understandable, her job scope....
Wowwww....then you call that besties ar??
Why not?
We have been doing that since high school....
Did you know that we only meet in school....don't hang on the phones like those teenage girls for hours, don't even go shopping together, nor sleepover at each other's house...and we don't even call/meet during school holidays....
WHAT? Man....are you besties?
Of course, no match from any other besties that I know of so far....
Even our teacher said we talk too much.....and need to be separated....
Wow....I can't imagine...
But now, you guys are states apart....and you are still besties? Don't you find someone close to you here and I am sure she has friends closer to her there....
Yeah, we do...c'mon, besties do not mean we are BOUNDED to each other like a pair of biologically attached Siamese twins; sharing any internal organs that we can't tear apart from each other. I have my friends here and she has her friends there too...really close gal pals...we lead separate lives too basically....
Well, we are besties just because we fit each other well....we can have many close gal pals...but nobody can click like we do and the confidante in each other...we only tell each other stuffs..and I mean, in details...we do tell other gal friends our stuffs, but the details; only my family and my bestie:)
Wowwww... sounds unique but yet, really, not just physical best friends...you gals seem to be emotionally bonded too...
And it's funny how our friends often end up puzzled when we go..."You know...", "Oh my...I can't believe you mean"..."Exactly!", "But hey.......", "Ooo, I think so too:)"....
Hahaha.....so cool lar you gurls!!
You must have missed her lots...
Yeah....tell me about it....
We're like sitting next to each other in class....and we always refer to each other for everything....we are partners in everything (debates, competitions), the moral support/mental cheerleaders...it may seem like we are competitors sometimes (guess sometimes we do) but we are definitely healthy; we like to excel but if the other didn't do well, we don't even want to rejoice anymore and brood together....sometimes, our friends just look at one of us and know, "Hey, it's not the right time to talk to them...."
Haha......funny lar you.....How I wish I have a bestie like that!
You gals really proved that distance relationships do not fail....
OF course NOT!
In fact, absence really makes the heart grow fonder:)
And this is not just for bestie alone; I do miss all my KL pals out there too! :)
I am thankful and happy that I manage to share my blogs with most of you so that you know what I have been doing here and that I am still so much into writing:D
Thanks for all your support....(seems like an awards speech now:p)