Welcome to AngelStar Haven!

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
If you want to cry or sigh
Don't forget to just drop by
If you ever stray afar
there is always Angelstar :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Going back to Penang...

Had a long day yesterday and it was really tiring....
I only got back to the hotel room at 10++ at night, after meetings and dinner with my intermediate boss and colleague at a nice Balinese restaurant, which I shall blog about soon in my food blog =)

Anyway, I gladly went to sleep, given that the connection at the hotel was so bad (I was quite shocked as so far it had been excellent!)
I am starting to think that it is more of a problem related to my laptop rather than the network connection anymore.

I am happy to wake up this morning as I know, finally, I am going back to Penang to be with my family!
My colleagues and boss laughed at me when they heard about this coincidence; my family is there and I am here =P (Meanies!)

I am heading to the office for about 2-3 hours and then, off I go on the plane again!
(Seems like the plane has become like a bus to me these days)

YEAYYYY...in high spirits todayyyyyy
