doesn't seem to be so great after all...
Actually it was supposed to start out great...haha, at least my allergies' not that bad anymore :)
But then stepping out of the house...everything seems to going the other way a twist of Just My Luck:p
First the car incident...slow driving and blocking and my car was this close to being clamped by the barrier!
2nd, I was trying to update another blog of mine and took so much effort and time to write that post and then when I click Publish, BAM!! Siao Siao Blogger just didn't save it for me!!!
Oh my....what happened to the blogger's auto saving feature????!!!!
Nothing, no down!!!!!
Then....somebody mistook that something happened and I was the cause when I was totally doing it jargons:p
Great...and I am going down for lab tour later...let's hope and pray that I don't get sucked into a machine or eeee.......stop cursing myself!
It will be better....
What's that...Today will be better than yesterday...can I change it to afternoon will be better than this morning? :)
I have MOVED to
8 years ago