Here, I finally got these photos out from my phone....if you didn't believe me, look at the photos of the massive traffic jam on Penang island last night.
The traffic jam which landed me 3 hours on the road, inching from one tiny weeny point to another and not close enough to hit the bumper of another car (thankfully)
I had a skilled driver next to me anyway ;)
The traffic jam which resulted in me having dinner at almost 9pm, and having to go to sleep later than usual because I had to digest the food!
This reminded me of the same traffic jam I got caught in at the Penang Bridge 4 years ago when there was this overturned truck/oil tanker on the bridge and I was stuck there for 4 hours!
Look at this, I am not on a new road; still the same old road, just that the car in front of me is not the one from the first picture because the poor frustrated driver made a quick U-turn to get out of this horrendous traffic predicament!
I seriously thought I was going to be stuck there like, forever (a bit exaggerated), but it really felt like that!
*Shudders at the thoughts of the traffic jam last night*
Thank God I got home before morning, right?
I have MOVED to
8 years ago