Welcome to AngelStar Haven!

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
If you want to cry or sigh
Don't forget to just drop by
If you ever stray afar
there is always Angelstar :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Beautiful butterfly, is it not?

I just found this photo and realized that I totally forgot to blog about this queer incident in my old place!

I think it was sometime in early June; where I was taking in my clothes from the balcony and noticed/heard some fluttering and I saw a big brown butterfly near the glass area.

I left the glass door to the balcony open so that it could return to where it came from.
For the next few days, I noticed it was still around in the house; and this continued for a week or two with it constantly changing places in the house.
(It appeared on the wall; underneath the TV console, etc)

Finally, I saw it fluttering its wings on the dining table which was near a window.
I left it alone, because I thought it might just spread its wings and fly away back to nature.

It was there for a few days and since it has been like that for some time, I just left it as it is.

However, something tells me it is not alright as I realized I didn't hear it flutter its wings that much anymore but I didn't dare to disturb it.

Finally, after 3 weeks, I concluded that it has already died and with the help of someone, we managed to get it out back in the nature where it belongs.
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It is funny how butterflies and moths just know when they are about to die, and they would somehow choose the place they want to spend their last breath.

Interesting, isn't it?

Don't you think it was a really beautiful thing there?
