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Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
If you want to cry or sigh
Don't forget to just drop by
If you ever stray afar
there is always Angelstar :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flying Fridays...

I can't believe that it's Friday once again!
It seems like yesterday that it was a Friday, but then again, who doesn't welcome Fridays, be it school students, or working people like us, we truly and wholly adore and about to worship Fridays! (I am not into animisme, in case you are wondering)

Last Friday was a Freaky Friday; it was after all, Friday the 13th and as we all know, 13 is never a good number anyway in the Western beliefs.
On the contrary, the Chinese actually like the number 13 but I guess there has been too much influence from the West (media) that now number 13 is also shunned from the context of most numbers.

Oh ya, besides the fact that last Friday was the 13th, it also happened to be during the 7th month in the Chinese Lunar calendar; which is well known as the Hungry Ghost month.
Therefore, to most superstitious people, it is double the bad luck.

I am not a skeptic, therefore I will never choose to doubt.

I had a rather peculiar experience last week; a little too bizarre for my belief and I am not sure whether I shared it here or in another blog; anyway, just check out my Starry Starry blog for the story, as the experience was kinda spooky too.

What do people do on Fridays?
Young people like me are often thought to be heading straight out there to hang out with friends for dinner and then proceed with drinks at pubs/clubs or movies with the boyfriend.
Maybe that's why the roads are always congested with the traffic jams on Fridays (blame it on them)

I am not like that, however, call me passive or whatever.
I dread those long waiting traffic jams to get home and coming out again seems like a chore to me sometimes.
Furthermore the clouds and rain seem to have taken over the skies and I just love to go home and curl up on the couch after a nice shower with a good book (I am currently reading two books; one by Jodi Picoult, one of my favorite authors and the other is by Candace Bushnell)
I could also continue from where I left off with my current drama series, or hey, I could just use the time to blog/write those articles that I want to publish in my blogs...the list is so long that I need to write them way before I publish them.

Sounds boring or mundane for a young person like me?
I think it is just a matter of perception, I know perfectly well how to have a great time too, and I do go for movies, shopping and hanging out once in a while and I am looking forward to some traveling too.
It's been a while but things have been really busy, and I have been stressed this year. Things have been busy with the family as well, and grandmother, well, it's just a whole load of worries on my mind.

Whatever it is, freaky or whatever, Friday is always good for me, and it has always been my favorite day in the week, along with Saturday.
After all, Jesus too, died for us on a Friday, to redeem us, and that is reason enough to believe that Fridays are good!

I still have to say this and I really mean every single word in this, as this week has been crazy and frustrating for me, so, I really do THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY (FINALLY!)

Have a great weekend, everyone!~
