Last Friday was an incredibly busy day; albeit me trying to scream "TGIF" at the top of my lungs, I still know that I had to embrace myself for a challenge as my boss and BIG boss were on their way to our office.
I was sent an email on Wednesday, by my boss, to inform me that they will be here on Friday.
I had to present to them (well, not that I've never done presentations before) but yet at the same time, I couldn't help wondering the whole purpose of the big boss joining the trip.
Well, nevertheless, I walked in confidently to the office and waited patiently for the two bosses to arrive.
Went through a presentation which took more about 2 hours; I planned it for 15 minutes, as instructed by my boss.
I guess they were pretty happy and intrigued by my facts and figures that they had it going on.
The only thing was, there were supposed to be two of us; and the other guy just shrugged it off without presenting.
For those of you who have heard from me, you would know which guy I am referring to.
He was just so silent throughout the whole presentation and even had the cheek to non-chalantly walk to me to ask me for a copy of my presentation.
While my bosses sang their praises for the great job I had done, he was trying so hard to be meek and friendly to me, trying to put in his praise that I had done a great job too.
Sighs, I guess some things never change....
I have MOVED to
8 years ago