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How I wonder what you are
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Friday, September 19, 2008

A series of unfortunate events

It's funny how I've empathized with my friend who went through a crappy day with her flight transition and all, and yesterday, I had my same share of a crappy day with a string of unfortunate events.
Yeah, it went in a series....something like out of Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events

The worst part is, it happened on my favorite day of the week - a Friday!~

Let me start...
I had a couple of meetings in the morning; so I had an early start of a day - shouldn't be that bad right?
It was cheery for me as usual...

When I reached this particular car park, it was full and I had to park outside and then there was this car reversing out of his place and since space was rather limited, I backed my car to give way to him (although I just came into the car park area from the gate)
Now, that's the key, I backed a little too much and BONK, the barrier at the gate hit the back of my car!
Thank God, I reacted immediately so there was no damage - yeah, good ol' car is tough!~
So, nothing major...yet...

Then when I walked into the building, I waited for the elevator with this American man who just came into the lobby as well.
While we were waiting for the elevator, the security guard came over, "Lif rosak, guna tangga"
(translated as 'the lift is out of service, use the stairs')

Ohhhhh, sounds great to me...coz I need to hike up 5 storeys to the office
I could use some exercise....hahaha, it's not all that bad...although I was starting to praise those geniuses who invented elevators...
So, nothing major...still controllable

And then internet breaks down, cannot connect and there goes any hope of getting to the World Wide Web...
Okayyy, it's okay....

After a couple of hours, I was out for lunch in my car and found this place near the side of the road. Of course, I'd steer into the place.
Problem is, it's on the main road....
That's no major problem - I still do have a little bit of faith in my own driving skills....
But problem is, all the cars seem to be rushing past and nobody gave way to me....come on, it's a 2-lane and I am not going to use a lot of space to maneuver my car but those cars....sighs, some even honked....
Can't you see I am trying to park? What is wrong with you people????

ANYWAY, I finally managed to park my car .....thanks to one W-plated car (Altis) who gave way (Thanks, KL-lian!~ At least I finally saw some sense in a driver! Proves that my courtesy of giving way to these cars when I am driving did bring me some good in return)

I locked my car and walked along the 5-foot way for lunch
I barely took more than 10 steps when the alarm went off
Oh no.....that sounds familiar!
I hurried back and ohhhhhh, it's my dreadful car alarm again

I am ready to burst into tears, oh wait...I must not cry...this is nothing to sweat about, k...
It went on and on for several times and there I stood at the side of the main road, looking like a crazy woman who doesn't know how to handle my car (how pathetic this sounds...and how familiar it felt...read my previous posts)

It finally shut up...and I had my lunch
Perhaps it was the incidents, perhaps it was my lack of sleep....
But I was really tired and exhausted.....
Why why why.....oh, why did it have to be in such a series....
My car, the elevator, my alarm, internet....all in all?

And did I mention that it was on Friday?
Should I still say TGIF? Not this Friday though.....

Crappy crappy day.....
I need some sleep.... and I'd better get some sleep.....SOON!!!!
