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Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
If you want to cry or sigh
Don't forget to just drop by
If you ever stray afar
there is always Angelstar :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Moments on a plane

Whenever I am on a flight, the moments that I always look forward to is the taking off and the landing part.
Of course, I am sure most of us have the same tendency to look forward to those same moments and also enjoy looking out the window (if you happen to take the window seat).

For me, I always bid the place farewell and the taking off moment can sometimes leave a longing and heavy feeling in the heart whenever I am leaving a place I have grown fond of; for instance, my own home country or even favorite travel places.
I will take a long last look at the surroundings (which usually is the airport area and runway) and reminiscence those sweet memories during my time there.
If it is a place that I was waiting to leave asap, the taking off moment is more the reason for me to savor:)

Oh, but make sure you don't stare too long especially when you're in a small plane and when you're taking an afternoon flight (when the sun is shining brightly) or else you will end up feeling giddy and sick the whole flight and even after landing...like me.

Do you have your favorite moments on the plane?
