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Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Funny Blogs

Everyone is very interested in humor which of course, doesn't take Einstein to figure out the magnetic side for anyone to indulge in giving themselves a good laugh.
In fact, even blogs with a great sense of humor attract more traffic than plain and routine old blogs.

I myself am a fan of several bloggers; and of course of the famous celebrity blogger; Kenny Sia
His posts are enticing and hilarious and I must take my hat off to this creative fellow for making blogs popularly known.

Everyone is starting to imitate his style in blogging; in order to attract more readers but me, I stick to my old-blog-it-out-what-i-thought-on-the-spot style.
Not to say his style was not natural, I am actually looking at the number of blogs following in his footsteps and also, trying to hard to emulate the famous blog.

However, isn't blog all about being original and also your personal space?
Blog is your personal channel to air your opinions and ideas and it may be humourous or not; it could be sad, happy, angry, anything - the key point is being yourself.

One Kenny Sia is good, the rest, we should be unique and populate a diversified blogger nation!
