Welcome to AngelStar Haven!

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
If you want to cry or sigh
Don't forget to just drop by
If you ever stray afar
there is always Angelstar :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Short break's over

Oooo.. the long-awaited short weekend break I was looking forward to is about to be over soon.....
It was a long 4-day weekend break; starting from Prophet Muhammad's birthday on Thursday which coincided with our Maundy Thursday or more popularly known as the Passover.
Then i took a day's leave on Good Friday and of course, you know the rest.

Yesterday was Holy Saturday and was also coincidentally, my grandfather's 14th year anniversary of his death. We made a trip to his grave and at the same time, paid our respects to our dear grandmother who had also laid to rest beside him.
And last night, despite my sleepy eyes, I made it to the Easter Vigil mass....yeah, half-awake (pardon me)

I can't believe a short 4-day break just flew past me...(I know that time flies) but seriously, sometimes it just flew too soon! I'm sure you agree with me....
Nevertheless, I am still looking forward to get back to work.....back to the exciting work life where new and interesting things happen and I am anticipating many more great surprises.
If you know me well enough, you will know that I just love being busy......some call me workaholics, yeah...whatever, I know, I love work more that sometimes I just don't seem to have a life, right?

Well.....it's gonna rain soon and a few more hours to Monday...no blues for me!:P
